Tag: showing

Dreams – Showing The Real Me?

Dreams – Showing The Real Me?

Brain-scientists have discovered that during dreams, the brain is electrically active like when we are awake. However, it is active in a chemically different way. Certain chemicals present during waking are reduced by half during non-dream sleep and are absent altogether during dream sleep. And so, science explains dreaming as just a by-product of these chemical changes in the brain. This seems to link with the philosophical idea of materialism that the world of physical matter is the only world there is. This states that to understand anything, including subjective consciousness, we only need to see it in terms of physics and chemistry. In contrast, Sigmund Freud believed that the content of the dream is meaningful. He thought it reveals something in a disguised form about our unconsciou...
Police Fight Against Defunding, Thin-Skinned Blue Line Showing Their True Colours

Police Fight Against Defunding, Thin-Skinned Blue Line Showing Their True Colours

Since the police killing of George Floyd in May 2020 and the subsequent mass mobilizations for police defunding and abolition, the defund movement has continued to organize. Has this work had an impact in Canada? Have there been successful challenges to reducing Canadian police budgets? The answer is complicated and depends on how you define success. Raised awareness Some argue the mobilization and movement-building that has transpired — people brought together in campaigns for police abolition that reimagine community safety — is a huge success in and of itself. Abolition has entered the public consciousness like never before. Dozens of books have been published by academics, lawyers and activists, building on the work of Black feminists in the United States and Canada who have long ar...
Lovely Laura loves showing off her perfectly sculpted body!

Lovely Laura loves showing off her perfectly sculpted body!

Vandervoort was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. She is the daughter of a Dutch father and a Canadian mother. In the first weeks of her life she contracted meningitis, resulting in a severe sickness that lasted a few months. Her parents were initially told she was not going to survive. Growing up, Vandervoort was involved in several sports such as football, karate (second-degree black belt), basketball, tennis, gymnastics and baseball. She has a sister named Sarah and she is related to Canadian actor Gordon Pinsent. She started her career at the age of 13. After taking several classes and doing background work on Canadian shows such as Road to Avonlea and Harriet the Spy, she got her first speaking role in the Canadian children's horror anthology series Goosebumps and Are You Afraid o...
90% Of Being A Successful Father Is Showing Up

90% Of Being A Successful Father Is Showing Up

Woody Allen says 90% of success in life is showing up. That's definitely true for being a good father. Your wife delivers the baby, but the ball is in your end of the court, half of the time, after that. I was terrified when I brought my infant son home from the hospital. I looked at the tiny, six pound, six-ounce, boy and nearly panicked when I realized he was going to be living with me. I didn't know how to feed him, change him, or get him to stop crying. I was afraid to hold him. I was the ultimate newbie dad. I wasn't confident I'd be able to fill a father's shoes. I was a full-time, financially strapped, married, twenty-year old college student when my son was born. I had no money, and only one way to get any. I worked five part-time jobs during the day and into the night to pay the...