Tag: sellers

Popular Music Videos Being Used By Vape Sellers To Promote E-Cigarettes To Young People – And It’s Working

Popular Music Videos Being Used By Vape Sellers To Promote E-Cigarettes To Young People – And It’s Working

Research that my colleagues and I recently conducted demonstrates that electronic cigarette product placement in music videos is associated with vaping among minors. The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement of 1998 prohibits product placement for cigarettes and chew tobacco in television, music videos and motion pictures, but those restrictions do not apply to electronic cigarettes. My team and I have been working the past three years to determine the overall extent of electronic cigarette product placement in music videos. We’ve also been working to determine if exposure to these videos is related to electronic cigarette use among young adults. In a recent study, we found that participants exposed to any electronic cigarette product placement or imagery in music videos were more likely ...