Tag: school

Should College Athletes Be Allowed To Use Their School Brand For Paid Endorsements

Should College Athletes Be Allowed To Use Their School Brand For Paid Endorsements

John Holden, Oklahoma State University Just days after the NCAA changed it rules in June 2021 to let college athletes seek endorsement deals, a college quarterback in the South announced a sponsorship deal with a beverage company. About the same time, another college football player, a wide receiver in the South, signed an endorsement deal with a national retailer. In both cases, the players wore clothes without university logos in the photographs they posted on their social media as they promoted the companies. Not so with another football player – a quarterback in the Southwest – who got use of a new car from a dealership for standing next to one of the dealership’s cars in a photograph on his social media page. Instead of plain clothes, he wore a polo shirt with his university logo ...
A History Of Myths About Black Hair: From Slavery To Colonialism And School Rules

A History Of Myths About Black Hair: From Slavery To Colonialism And School Rules

“Your hair feels like pubic hair.” That was one of the first insults that someone hurled at my hair. She was a junior at my school. She would touch my hair and repeat this sentence to all present. I had to threaten her with violence to get her to stop touching my hair and comparing it to her pubes. This is one of the first dilemmas that black people face: do I let people touch my hair and under what circumstances? The question, “can I touch it?” becomes one of the most awkward social moments and can break relationships before they even start. This fascination with the texture of black hair (please don’t call it “ethnic”), is not new. In slave societies, white women would often hack off the hair of their enslaved female servants because it supposedly “confused white men” . Today, black w...
With Months Still To Go – School Shootings Are Already At A Record In 2022

With Months Still To Go – School Shootings Are Already At A Record In 2022

As a Michigan teen pleaded guilty on Oct. 24, 2022, to killing four students in a December 2021 attack, America was learning of yet another school shooting. This time, it was a performance arts high school in St. Louis, where a former student opened fire, killing two and injuring at least seven others before dying in a shootout with police. The fact that yet another school shooting took place within hours of a gunman in a separate case appearing in court underscores how often these events take place in the U.S. As criminologists who have built a comprehensive database to log all school shootings in the U.S., we know that deadly school gun violence in America in now a regular occurrence – with incidents only becoming more frequent and deadlier. Our records show that seven more people died...
With Back To School Comes Back To Sleep

With Back To School Comes Back To Sleep

(BPT) - The start of the new school year is the perfect time to renew habits that keep students happy and healthy — including sleep. Unfortunately, many children and teens don't get the amount of sleep they need to thrive at school. One culprit robbing many of their much-needed sleep is right on their phones — a recent survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) found that 93% of Gen Z said they've lost sleep because they stayed up “past their bedtime” to view or participate in social media. “Sufficient, healthy sleep is critical for students to excel in schoolwork, sports and extracurricular activities,” said AASM President Jennifer Martin, a licensed clinical psychologist. “When students get proper sleep, they are more optimistic, feel their best, and are better able to co...
A History Of Myths About Black Hair: From Slavery To Colonialism And School Rules

A History Of Myths About Black Hair: From Slavery To Colonialism And School Rules

“Your hair feels like pubic hair.” That was one of the first insults that someone hurled at my hair. She was a junior at my school. She would touch my hair and repeat this sentence to all present. I had to threaten her with violence to get her to stop touching my hair and comparing it to her pubes. This is one of the first dilemmas that black people face: do I let people touch my hair and under what circumstances? The question, “can I touch it?” becomes one of the most awkward social moments and can break relationships before they even start. This fascination with the texture of black hair (please don’t call it “ethnic”), is not new. In slave societies, white women would often hack off the hair of their enslaved female servants because it supposedly “confused white men” . Today, black w...
End Of Summer & Back-To-School Shop By Age – From 18 Mos To 8 Yrs.

End Of Summer & Back-To-School Shop By Age – From 18 Mos To 8 Yrs.

Learning Resources supports teachers and parents by providing unique, high-quality educational tools that enhance instruction and provide engaging learning experiences that meet children's individual needs. Home of Learning Fun for Every Age and Stage! Building someone amazing? Discover even more ways to give your kids the building blocks they need to succeed with our free tips and tools written by experts, teachers, and parents just like you! Shop By Age - From 18 Mos To 8 Yrs. SHOP NOW!
This Fall, Those Free School Lunches That Helped Families During The Pandemic Won’t Return

This Fall, Those Free School Lunches That Helped Families During The Pandemic Won’t Return

The healthiest meal students typically receive during the day isn’t at their dining room table — it’s in their school cafeteria. That finding from Tufts University researchers is just one reason child nutrition experts have urged Congress to pass legislation that would enable schools nationwide to provide free meals for all students. Pandemic-era waivers that made universal free school lunch a reality the past two years have expired, and this fall, students will once again have to qualify for free, reduced or full-priced meals based on need. That prospect is raising concerns among child nutrition experts who predict that once the school year begins more kids will go hungry amid an uptick in food insecurity in households with children. “There are going to be many struggling families next...
What We Know About The Gunmen Who Carry Out The Mass School Shootings In The US

What We Know About The Gunmen Who Carry Out The Mass School Shootings In The US

When the Columbine High School massacre took place in 1999 it was seen as a watershed moment in the United States – the worst mass shooting at a school in the country’s history. Now, it ranks fourth. The three school shootings to surpass its death toll of 13 – 12 students, one teacher – have all taken place within the last decade: 2012’s Sandy Hook Elementary attack, in which a gunman killed 26 children and school staff; the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which claimed the lives of 17 people; and now the Robb Elementary School assault in Uvalde, Texas, where on May 24, 2022, at least 19 children and two adults were murdered. We are criminologists who study the life histories of public mass shooters in the U.S. As part of that research, we buil...
Posing Potential Risks To Kids – Police Presence On School Grounds

Posing Potential Risks To Kids – Police Presence On School Grounds

In fall 2020, I got an email from the Phoenix Elementary School District #1, a K-8 school district, requesting feedback on whether to continue using school resource officers in seven of the district’s 14 elementary schools. As a researcher who specializes in the policing and development of children and adolescents, I responded by sharing a summary of the research on the subject of police in schools and offering my consultation. The school board president asked me to present research to the board on the effects school resource officers had on overall student well-being, school safety and school climate. The school board was under pressure to make a decision about a divisive issue with a pending deadline. Parents and teachers were split on the use of school resource officers. Youth were a ...
Research Shows Cyberbullying Among Teens And School Bullying Are Often Linked

Research Shows Cyberbullying Among Teens And School Bullying Are Often Linked

Over recent years, England has faced a concerning rise in cyberbullying compared to other countries. This issue has been compounded by an increase in digital activity among teenagers during COVID-19 lockdowns. Cyberbullying, sometimes called online harassment or abuse, refers to behaviours where a person repeatedly causes harm to others using electronic devices and technologies. The modern abundance of devices with internet access makes it easier for cyberbullies to remain anonymous and create multiple accounts with different identities, giving them the freedom to attack multiple social media users simultaneously, often without obstruction. There are numerous means of victimisation. These include making posts on social media intended to threaten or humiliate someone, publishing videos or...