Tag: saved

Can U.S. Democracy Still Be Saved?

Can U.S. Democracy Still Be Saved?

This is the way democracy ends: with a whimper. The day after President Biden’s fiery Jan. 12 speech in favor of eliminating or reforming the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation, Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema let it be known that they were a big “no” vote on that. Without their votes, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act are dead in the water, because no Republican is going to support expanding the franchise. On Jan. 19, Sen. Chuck Schumer forced a vote on amending the filibuster, but it was purely performative. No reasonable observer expected any other outcome. And that means the Democrats’ already uphill fight toward the November midterm elections just got a lot steeper. To be honest, this ignoble outcome has been growing in like...
They May Have Saved The Republic – Nonviolent Activists Laid The Groundwork To Oppose A Coup

They May Have Saved The Republic – Nonviolent Activists Laid The Groundwork To Oppose A Coup

Activists prepared for months, expecting Trump to steal the election. They were right, and he failed. Since President-elect Joe Biden’s decisive win in November, there has been understandable consternation at the efforts by President Trump and his supporters to steal the election. It is also important to understand why, so far, and despite the recent violence in Washington, his attempts have been unsuccessful. In the months leading up to the Nov. 3 election, many of us were warning that, even if the face of a clear Biden victory, Trump and the Republicans might attempt a de facto coup. We warned that Trump might declare victory on election night before all the votes are counted, that he and his supporters would make false charges of vote fraud, and that he would refuse to concede even af...
After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The Back

After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The Back

After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The Back No matter what he does and how much he wins President Trump just can’t seem to make the left happy. Even when he gets 3 spoiled entitled ball players out of hot water in China. President Trump was able to save and get 3 UCLA basketball players safely home. LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley, and Jalen Hill, who have now been suspended indefinitely by the Bruins basketball team. All three players apologized at a news conference Wednesday morning about the incident in China that had them stay behind on a team trip after they were accused of shoplifting at 3 different local area stores.But of course, since their Messiah, Former President Barack Hussein Obama had no hand in freeing these 3 characters, the American ...