Tag: rules

Breaking All The Rules: Finding Success In Healthcare Marketing

Breaking All The Rules: Finding Success In Healthcare Marketing

(BPT) - It’s a well-known rule in marketing that if you’re a healthcare company you need to work with an advertising agency that lives and breathes healthcare. But rules are made to be broken, and LevLane, a dark horse, full-service agency in Philadelphia, is showing that maybe that well-worn path so many have traveled is, well, worn out. It’s a bold statement but rooted in real-world examples. Take a look at 10 random marketing campaigns in the pharmaceutical space right now and you’ll quickly sense a theme. They have the same bouncy music, the same format, the same look and feel. They might not be siblings, but they’re definitely close cousins. For LevLane, an agency that’s been in business since 1984 and built its reputation leading campaigns for big consumer names like Taco Bell, Mi...
Few Can Hold On To Their Sex Appeal But Leonardo DiCaprio Doesn’t Play By The Rules

Few Can Hold On To Their Sex Appeal But Leonardo DiCaprio Doesn’t Play By The Rules

In the world of teen heartthrobs, few can hold on to their sex appeal into the their 20s, much less their 30s and 40s. But Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t play by the rules, going from a cute teenage boy toy to a white-hot man and taking no prisoners along the way. He has appeared in everything from art films to big-budget Hollywood blockbusters, always bringing his inimitable brand of sexy to all his parts (and all of ours). Born and raised in Los Angeles, Leo started his acting career as a kid, appearing in TV commercials and getting his big break as a homeless youth on the sitcom Growing Pains. By 1993, he had reached full maturity as a man and an actor, receiving high praise for his performance in the biopic This Boy’s Life. He made an outstanding nude debut, portraying French poet Arthur R...
Research Shows Content Rules On Twitter Help Preserve Free Speech From Bots And Other Manipulation – Elon Musk Is Wrong

Research Shows Content Rules On Twitter Help Preserve Free Speech From Bots And Other Manipulation – Elon Musk Is Wrong

Elon Musk’s accepted bid to purchase Twitter has triggered a lot of debate about what it means for the future of the social media platform, which plays an important role in determining the news and information many people – especially Americans – are exposed to. Musk has said he wants to make Twitter an arena for free speech. It’s not clear what that will mean, and his statements have fueled speculation among both supporters and detractors. As a corporation, Twitter can regulate speech on its platform as it chooses. There are bills being considered in the U.S. Congress and by the European Union that address social media regulation, but these are about transparency, accountability, illegal harmful content and protecting users’ rights, rather than regulating speech. Musk’s calls for free s...
Under The Threat Of Lawsuits – SEC Is Considering Climate Disclosure Rules For U.S. Companies

Under The Threat Of Lawsuits – SEC Is Considering Climate Disclosure Rules For U.S. Companies

Better information leads to better decisions – this is the idea behind a regulatory device known as “mandated disclosure.” Mandated disclosures are all around you, from calorie counts on fast food restaurant menus to conversations with doctors around informed consent. But the biggest experiment yet in mandated disclosure may be an expected U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission proposal to extend these ideas to climate impacts facing U.S.-listed companies. The disclosure rule, expected to be proposed soon, would require publicly traded companies to release information to investors about their emissions and how they are managing risks related to climate change and future climate regulations. While it is easy to spot risks facing companies like ExxonMobil, which produces and sells fossil ...
The Three Rules Of Life For Living Happily And Successfully

The Three Rules Of Life For Living Happily And Successfully

There are many problems and challenges we face in lives. From the moment we were born until the day we leave this world, we have to go through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual changes that define us as human beings. Regardless of our family backgrounds, we can and should find our purpose in life through our goals, dreams and aspirations. These are the pursuits that give meaning to our lives and make life worth living. This is destiny in the making. However, despite our best efforts, circumstances can derail our plans and make us move in a different direction from the one we have chosen. But we should not be sidetracked by obstacles along the way nor should we be discouraged by them. We need to build strength in all four dimensions of our beings- physic, mind, emotion and spirit -...
To Teach AI How To Handle New Situations, Change The Rules Of The Game And Embrace The Unexpected

To Teach AI How To Handle New Situations, Change The Rules Of The Game And Embrace The Unexpected

My colleagues and I changed a digital version of Monopoly so that instead of getting US$200 each time a player passes Go, the player is charged a wealth tax. We didn’t do this to gain an advantage or trick anyone. The purpose is to throw a curveball at artificial intelligence agents that play the game. Our aim is to help the agents learn to handle unexpected events, something AIs to date have been decidedly bad at. Giving AIs this kind of adaptability is important for futuristic systems like surgical robots, but also algorithms in the here and now that decide who should get bail, who should get approved for a credit card and whose resume gets through to a hiring manager. Not dealing well with the unexpected in any of those situations can have disastrous consequences. AI agents need the a...
During COVID-19 A Community Rallies to Change Prison Rules

During COVID-19 A Community Rallies to Change Prison Rules

Here at the Washington State Reformatory in Monroe, four living units—each housing roughly 200 prisoners—share one recreation yard. And around this time of year, I could watch as teams gathered almost daily to compete on the soccer field or practice around the baseball diamond, as countless residents strolled the quarter-mile track, which surrounds both. Outside the track, some played horseshoes, bocce, handball, basketball, and used the array of pullup and dip bars, while others sat at cement tables slapping cards and banging dominoes. Needless to say, our yard isn’t small. All this changed in early April, after news that the first cases of COVID-19 inside a state prison had been confirmed at Monroe Correctional Complex, where the reformatory is. Courageous fellow residents, refusing to...
Film studios may soon be able to buy theaters if rules change

Film studios may soon be able to buy theaters if rules change

A 70-year-old antitrust settlement currently bars Hollywood studios from owning theaters. The U.S. Justice Department will ask a court to terminate a 70-year-old antitrust settlement that barred Hollywood studios from owning theaters or trying to force movie houses from playing films they didn’t want. The agreements, known as the Paramount Pictures consent decrees, no longer serve the public interest, Makan Delrahim, the head of the department’s antitrust division, said in a speech in Washington Monday. The U.S. Justice Department will ask a court to terminate a 70-year-old antitrust settlement that barred Hollywood studios from owning theaters or trying to force movie houses from playing films they didn’t want. The agreements, known as the Paramount Pictures c...