Tag: problem

Thanks To Pop Culture Space Force Sounds Like A Joke – That Could Be A Problem For An Important Military Branch

Thanks To Pop Culture Space Force Sounds Like A Joke – That Could Be A Problem For An Important Military Branch

The U.S. Space Force has a serious role to play in the modern world. Its stated mission is to train and equip personnel to defend U.S. interests in space. Given the increasing military and economic importance of space, the USSF is likely to grow in importance. But a quick internet search shows that for most people, the Space Force is more a meme than a military branch. It has been the subject of jokes on “Saturday Night Live,” and Netflix was working on a comedy show before the service was officially formed. None other than Captain Kirk himself, actor William Shatner, has weighed in, arguing for the use of Navy ranks over Air Force ranks in the Space Force – after all, he wasn’t Colonel Kirk. Given this relationship between science fiction and the USSF, few people take it seriously. Mode...
How Search Engines Spread Misinformation – It’s Not Just A Social Media Problem

How Search Engines Spread Misinformation – It’s Not Just A Social Media Problem

Search engines are one of society’s primary gateways to information and people, but they are also conduits for misinformation. Similar to problematic social media algorithms, search engines learn to serve you what you and others have clicked on before. Because people are drawn to the sensational, this dance between algorithms and human nature can foster the spread of misinformation. Search engines often serve up a distorting blend of information and misinformation. Crispin la valiente/Moment via Getty Images, CC BY-ND Search engine companies, like most online services, make money not only by selling ads, but also by tracking users and selling their data through real-time bidding on it. People are often led to misinformation by their desire for sensational and entertaining news as well as ...
As The Climate Warms Two-Thirds Of Earth’s Land Is On Pace To Lose Water – That’s A Problem For The People, Crops And Forests

As The Climate Warms Two-Thirds Of Earth’s Land Is On Pace To Lose Water – That’s A Problem For The People, Crops And Forests

The world watched with a sense of dread in 2018 as Cape Town, South Africa, counted down the days until the city would run out of water. The region’s surface reservoirs were going dry amid its worst drought on record, and the public countdown was a plea for help. By drastically cutting their water use, Cape Town residents and farmers were able to push back “Day Zero” until the rain came, but the close call showed just how precarious water security can be. California also faced severe water restrictions during its recent multiyear drought. And Mexico City is now facing water restrictions after a year with little rain. There are growing concerns that many regions of the world will face water crises like these in the coming decades as rising temperatures exacerbate drought conditions. Unde...
How Is The Problem Of 18 million US Children At Risk Of Hunger Being Addressed And What More Can Be Done?

How Is The Problem Of 18 million US Children At Risk Of Hunger Being Addressed And What More Can Be Done?

The economic crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic has increased the number of Americans who can’t always get enough to eat, including children. The Conversation U.S. asked four experts to explain how common child hunger is and what’s being done to address it. 1. How big a problem is child hunger in the US? Heather Eicher-Miller, associate professor of nutrition science at Purdue University: Hunger has two very different meanings. It can describe that uncomfortable feeling you get after not eating in a while. It’s also a long-term physical state. Heather Eicher-Miller. Purdue University, CC BY-SA People who experience long-term hunger aren’t just uncomfortable. They can feel weakness or pain and run an elevated risk of illnesses, including asthma, iron-deficiency anemia and poor...
A Big Problem For Equitable COVID-19 Vaccination – The Cold Supply Chain Can’t Reach Everywhere

A Big Problem For Equitable COVID-19 Vaccination – The Cold Supply Chain Can’t Reach Everywhere

To mitigate health inequities and promote social justice, coronavirus vaccines need to get to underserved populations and hard-to-reach communities. There are few places in the U.S. that are unreachable by road, but other factors – many rural hospitals can’t afford ultralow-temperature freezers or might not have reliable electricity, for example – present challenges. However, with government will and resources, these could be overcome. That is not true for much of the rest of the world. One of us, Tim Ford, is a global health researcher who has done a lot of international work on water and health where the cold supply chain cannot go, most recently in rural Haiti. The other, Charles Schweik, studies how the spread of innovations – both digital and physical – can solve pressing societal ...
Herd immunity won’t solve America’s COVID-19 problem

Herd immunity won’t solve America’s COVID-19 problem

After months battling the COVID-19 pandemic, the idea of “herd immunity” is back in the news. This has been stoked by reports about the White House’s new pandemic advisor, Scott Altas, who has argued in favor of ending social isolation measures and simply allowing healthy people to get infected. The idea is that the virus wouldn’t spread as quickly once enough people became immune. But trying to reach herd immunity without a vaccine would be a disastrous pandemic response strategy. As mathematics and computer science professors, we think it is important to understand what herd immunity actually is, when it’s a viable strategy and why, without a vaccine, it cannot reduce deaths and illnesses from the current pandemic. What is herd immunity? Epidemiologists define the herd immunity thresho...
How to deal with job burnout, before it becomes a problem

How to deal with job burnout, before it becomes a problem

The average workday for full-time employed Americans has exceeded the standard eight hours, according to 2018′s Bureau of Labor Statistics research. And individuals holding down multiple jobs are working close to nine hours a day, typically. Fatigue and stress combine to result in burnout. While long work hours contribute, says Inc magazine, excess repetition, insufficient compensation, little room for upward mobility and no camaraderie with peers are also factors. The experience negatively affects not only job performance but health and relationships. Inc’s tips for thwarting burnout are: 1. Use vacation days. Around 40 percent of vacation days are wasted for a number of reasons; primarily, workers feel that they cannot “afford” time off due to the high demands of their jobs. 2. Chang...

Printer problem: HP says to slash up to 9,000 jobs to cut costs

HP estimates that it can save $1bn by the end of its 2022 fiscal year, but the restructuring will also cost it $1bn. Personal computer and printer maker HP Inc said on Thursday it would cut up to 16 percent of its workforce as part of a restructuring plan aimed at cutting costs. The company will cut about 7,000 to 9,000 jobs through a combination of "employee exits and voluntary early retirement", it said in a statement. HP estimates that it will be able to save about $1bn by the end of its 2022 fiscal year, which ends on October 31. The company had about 55,000 employees worldwide as of October 2018, according to a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. That would mean the company wants to reduce its workforce by up to 16 percent through the c...

Psychiatrist Claims Demonic Possession a Real Problem

After 25 years of experience in private practice and as a professor at New York Medical College and Columbia University, and evaluating hundreds of possession cases, Dr. Richard Gallagher believes possession is real. He is also the author of Demonic Foes, A Psychiatrist Investigates Demonic Possession in the Modern United States. Atheists laugh at the suggestion of demons being real (see the comments under the above linked article). Others think evidence of demons is nonexistent and the movie The Exorcist is merely entertainment. The overall lack of awareness of this phenomenon might be in part because many who have done enough research to understand the concept aren't willing to go public with it out of a fear of ridicule. It's not surprising to us; a mention of our Spiritual Detox w...
Every Problem Is An Opportunity

Every Problem Is An Opportunity

Our problems are endless. We face problems from the day we begin to breathe. Even the most basic aspects of life begins as a problem. However, it is our instincts see each of these problems as challenges and approach them relentlessly as opportunities to grow. This wonderful attitude and behavior pattern surprisingly fades as we grow older. The key now is how we approach these problems in life. Some hurdles in life may be small and some very tough, but nevertheless, we use our internal positive will and energy to survive them. We can move further to solve many problems in our lives and accomplish many extraordinary things by seeing every problem as an opportunity and making each moment as the best thing that ever happened to us. The more difficult the problem is, the greater the challenge...