Tag: numerology

Numerology, Sex, And Love-Root Numbers 1-9 Part II

Numerology, Sex, And Love-Root Numbers 1-9 Part II

Pythagoras, known as the Father of Number, believed number mysticism is one of the keys of the meaning of life. "Number rules the universe." Pythagoras Everyone has been exposed to basic numerology, and we don't blame you if you're skeptical. Instead of relying entirely upon single factors like the day of birth, we've found pattern recognition using multiple indicators is the most dependable way to delineate personality and fate. Feel free to use single factors like the day of birth or sum total of the month, day, and year as a point of reference if you are exceedingly clairvoyant. However, few individuals are so consistently intuitive that they don't need a comprehensive approach using pattern recognition to get reliable results time after time. Imagine standing before the largest bui...