Tag: malia


Malia Obama Shows Off Sick Trick Her Mom Taught Her While Celebrating National Holiday Named After Her

Malia Obama Shows Off Sick Trick Her Mom Taught Her While Celebrating National Holiday Named After Her It is the final weeks of Malia Obama’s gap year before she begins Harvard in the Fall, and she is not wasting a moment of it. Malia has been quite the social butterfly over the last year ever since turning 18 years old and has been caught hobnobbing with celebrities and socialites on a regular basis. Malia’s actions have gained her celebrity status from the impressionable youth around the country. Now, these young people are pushing for a National Holiday to be renamed in Malia’s honor which has conservatives reeling. The Obama family reached a celebrity status during Barack Obama’s term as president. The family’s inner circle often included and was surrounded by professional athletes, r...