Tag: magnets

Why Are Some People Mosquito Magnets And Others Unbothered? Metabolism, Body Odor, Mindset?

Why Are Some People Mosquito Magnets And Others Unbothered? Metabolism, Body Odor, Mindset?

It’s rare to attend an outdoor party in warm weather without hearing people complain about mosquitoes. They swat away, sit in campfire smoke, cover up with blankets and eventually just give up and go indoors. On the other end of the spectrum, there are plenty of people who don’t seem bothered by mosquitoes in the slightest. As a medical entomologist who’s worked with mosquitoes for more than 40 years, I’m often asked why some people seem to be mosquito magnets while others are oblivious to these blood-feeding pests buzzing all around them. Most mosquito species, along with a host of other arthropods – including ticks, fleas, bedbugs, blackflies, horseflies and biting midges – require the protein in blood to develop a batch of eggs. Only the female mosquito feeds on blood. Males feed on...
9 Tried-And-Tested Lead Magnets You Need To Use [Infographic]

9 Tried-And-Tested Lead Magnets You Need To Use [Infographic]

Email marketing is the key ingredient for the success of any lead generation strategy. But who would want to share their email address for free just to have an inbox full of spam and irrelevant emails? This is where bribing the prospects with insightful content comes into the picture. Or to put it in marketing terms, you can use lead magnets in return for email addresses. A Lead Magnet can be a free trial/demo, toolkit, white papers, e-book, or any piece of content that is relevant to your brand. Their main objective is to compel users to give out their personal information. They do this by providing useful information and building up the audience’s interest and trust in your product or service. Hence, in this article, we will walk you through the 9 tried-and-tested lead magnets you need...