Tag: lasting

A Lasting Impact On Schools And Equity – Fewer Kids Are Enrolled In Public Kindergarten

A Lasting Impact On Schools And Equity – Fewer Kids Are Enrolled In Public Kindergarten

Public school enrollment is down across the country. For example, enrollment is down by 15,000 in Chicago public schools and by more than 20,000 in the District of Columbia’s public schools. The trend is particularly acute among pre-K and kindergarten students. In an NPR survey of 60 U.S. districts in 20 states, public kindergarten enrollment was down 16% on average. CC BY-ND Delaying children’s kindergarten entry is not new, but the pandemic has broadened its scope. And that has the potential to exacerbate already wide educational inequities. As a child and family policy researcher and a parent of two children under 7, I believe the new trend is concerning. Why enrollment dropped In a typical year, about 5% of kindergarten-age children are “redshirted” – their entry to school delayed. Th...