Do You Need To Floss More Or Are Your Parents Responsible For Your Cavities?
To “cry poor mouth” is an expression used to habitually complain about a lack of money. A literal poor mouth, however, represents one of the most widespread global diseases: tooth decay. Cavities resulting from poor oral health can drive everything from emotional issues to low self-esteem and health concerns.
The health of your teeth has a major effect on your body. Rudy Fargo/Unsplash, CC BY
Even more critical is the socioeconomic impact of tooth decay. Cavities are a “hidden cost” across a person’s lifespan. They can affect the ability of children to learn, result in absenteeism and a loss of productivity for employees and employers, and increase health costs for retirees.
Untreated tooth decay can result in health complications including poor nutrition, if it is painful to chew; sever...