Tag: facebook

Facebook Fundraisers: Where Does All That Money Go?

Facebook Fundraisers: Where Does All That Money Go?

Fake news is not the only thing cropping up on Facebook and other social media sites. Also bogus are some public service messages. Facebook’s fundraising feature, launched in 2017, has resulted in millions raised for numerous charities. Yet, the social media behemoth experienced recently a posted meme that “claimed the social media company was using the contributions its users were making to birthday fundraisers as a tax-deductible write-off for the company,” shared snopes.com on Nov. 6. Facebook has decried the meme message as “completely false,” and the company has maintained that “100% of what’s raised using donate buttons and fundraisers created on Facebook goes to the benefiting nonprofit,” added snopes.com. Perhaps in response or coincidentally, Facebook rolled out new fundraising...
What Can You Do About Instagram And Facebook Stalking You On Websites Accessed Through Their Apps

What Can You Do About Instagram And Facebook Stalking You On Websites Accessed Through Their Apps

Social media platforms have had some bad press in recent times, largely prompted by the vast extent of their data collection. Now Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has upped the ante. Not content with following every move you make on its apps, Meta has reportedly devised a way to also know everything you do in external websites accessed through its apps. Why is it going to such lengths? And is there a way to avoid this surveillance? ‘Injecting’ code to follow you Meta has a custom in-app browser that operates on Facebook, Instagram and any website you might click through to from both these apps. Now ex-Google engineer and privacy researcher Felix Krause has discovered this proprietary browser has additional program code inserted into it. Krause developed a tool that f...
Remembering The Facebook Poke

Remembering The Facebook Poke

What Does It Mean to Poke Someone On Facebook? Facebook has a function called poking. You will find it on the left hand side underneath the picture of the friend you wish to poke. You simply need to click on the word "Poke FirstName". Facebook will let you know what you have done just in case you clicked the button by accident. You are about to poke Donald. He will be informed of this on his home page. What is poking and what does it mean? Remember when you were a kid and you used to poke someone to get their attention? Well there are two points of view about poking on Facebook. Of course those who like and those who don't! Facebook poking can be just a simple hello, Hi I was thinking about you and just wanted to let you know. The person who dropped by your house when you were not home, ...
Celebrity Crypto Scam Ads On Facebook – The ACCC Is Suing Meta Here’s Why The Tech Giant Could Be Found Liable

Celebrity Crypto Scam Ads On Facebook – The ACCC Is Suing Meta Here’s Why The Tech Giant Could Be Found Liable

On the last day of his 11 years as chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Rod Sims announced the commission is bringing a “world-first” claim against Meta (owner of Facebook) in the Federal Court for false or misleading conduct. The ACCC alleges Meta failed to take sufficient steps to stop displaying scam cryptocurrency ads on Facebook in 2019, even after receiving complaints. Sims said the ads led to more than A$650,000 in losses for one consumer. “Those visits to landing pages from ads generate substantial revenue for Facebook,” Sims said. Almost a decade ago, the ACCC failed in an arguably similar misleading conduct claim against Google. This time, however, the commission has some new arguments that focus on Facebook’s business of targeting ads at particu...
Life Without Facebook: The Anti-Social Media Experiment

Life Without Facebook: The Anti-Social Media Experiment

  What that really means is getting off Facebook. While I have accounts on Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn, I rarely visit those sites. But Facebook is different. For some reason, even when I vow not to visit, it draws me in. Calls to me. Compels me to log in and browse my feed. And yet when I do, more often than not I walk away aggravated, not inspired. So why do I keep going back? I'm not sure, but it's definitely time to step back and re-evaluate. I joined Facebook in 2007 to keep an eye on my daughter when she went away to college. In 2008, like many other business owners, I began using it to market my business. I began amassing a huge friends list, accepting friend requests from everyone who sent me one. For awhile everything was hunky dory. Until it wasn't anymore. I'm not e...
Should You Boost A Facebook Post Or Run A Facebook Ad?

Should You Boost A Facebook Post Or Run A Facebook Ad?

Facebook is the most popular social media site in the world, with more than two billion monthly users. To reach more prospects and customers with your marketing messages you can get pay-per-click (PPC) traffic at an affordable rate from Facebook. This PPC advertising is much less expensive compared to Google AdWords. Even small businesses that have a limited budget can afford Facebook advertising. One of the most important things to grasp is the difference between Facebook news feed advertising and Facebook boosted posts. Facebook News Feed Advertising The Facebook news feed is the backbone of Facebook, showing a wide variety of content from people with whom a person is connected. When someone likes your page, they will become a follower. This means they have to opportunity to see your ...
Posting YouTube Videos To A Facebook Wall

Posting YouTube Videos To A Facebook Wall

Once you've created a video for your community, you'll want your community to know about it. One of the easiest ways to do this is to post your YouTube videos to your Facebook Wall whether it's to your business page, to a group or your personal wall. This article shows you how easy it is to post videos onto Facebook to widen your viewing figures and share content. To start with, if you've not got your YouTube channel and your Facebook account linked, you'll need to do so. Click the link called "account" which is at the top right-hand corner of the page. At this point choose the "sharing" option on the list. This will take you to a series of social media and online platforms with which you can connect content that you think your community will find of interest (either ones you've created o...
Essential Reads: Facebook Became Meta – The Company’s Dangerous Behavior Came Into Sharp Focus In 2021

Essential Reads: Facebook Became Meta – The Company’s Dangerous Behavior Came Into Sharp Focus In 2021

Meta, née Facebook, had a rough year in 2021, in public opinion if not financially. Revelations from whistleblower Frances Haugen, first detailed in a Wall Street Journal investigative series and then presented in congressional testimony, show that the company was aware of the harm it was causing. Growing concerns about misinformation, emotional manipulation and psychological harm came to a head this year when Haugen released internal company documents showing that the company’s own research confirmed the societal and individual harm its Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp platforms cause. The Conversation gathered four articles from our archives that delve into research that explains Meta’s problematic behavior. 1. Addicted to engagement At the root of Meta’s harmfulness is its set of algo...
Lost In Meta’s ‘Average User’ Data – The Thousands Of Vulnerable People Harmed By Facebook And Instagram

Lost In Meta’s ‘Average User’ Data – The Thousands Of Vulnerable People Harmed By Facebook And Instagram

Joseph Bak-Coleman, University of Washington Fall 2021 has been filled with a steady stream of media coverage arguing that Meta’s Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram social media platforms pose a threat to users’ mental health and well-being, radicalize, polarize users and spread misinformation. Are these technologies – embraced by billions – killing people and eroding democracy? Or is this just another moral panic? According to Meta’s PR team and a handful of contrarian academics and journalists, there is evidence that social media does not cause harm and the overall picture is unclear. They cite apparently conflicting studies, imperfect access to data and the difficulty of establishing causality to support this position. Some of these researchers have surveyed social media users and fou...
How Facebook – The Wal-Mart Of The Internet – Dismantled Online Subcultures

How Facebook – The Wal-Mart Of The Internet – Dismantled Online Subcultures

Before the internet, people interested in body modification – not just tattoo and piercing enthusiasts, but those drawn to more unusual practices like ear pointing, tongue splitting, suspension, scarification and the voluntary amputation of limbs and organs – had a difficult time meeting others who shared their interests. The internet, of course, changed everything: You can chat and connect with anyone from your computer. And in 1994 – more than a decade before Facebook launched – body modification enthusiasts started their own social media platform: the Body Modification E-zine, or BME. First operating as a bulletin board service (an early form of online message boards), BME eventually added features and functions that were forerunners before now-familiar online tools: blogging, wikis, ...