Tag: effects

Essential Reads On The Uses, Effects And Potential Of Cannabis

Essential Reads On The Uses, Effects And Potential Of Cannabis

As states have legalized marijuana for medicinal and recreational use, and federal law now allows sale of hemp-derived products, cannabis and its derivatives are getting more attention and study. The Conversation has compiled excerpts of articles from scholars who have been watching recent marijuana developments. 1. Studies may support CBD claims Soaring sales of products containing the marijuana extract CBD followed Congress legalizing CBD in 2018. CBD sellers and users swear by its ability to relieve pain and anxiety. Although science isn’t yet sure about that, there are reasons for encouragement, writes Hillary Marusak, a professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at Wayne State University. “Neuroimaging studies in humans show that CBD can reduce activity in the amygdala and anterior ci...
Police Accountability And The Concrete Effects Of Body Cameras

Police Accountability And The Concrete Effects Of Body Cameras

Suat Cubukcu, American University; Erdal Tekin, American University; Nusret Sahin, Stockton University, and Volkan Topalli, Georgia State University Without video evidence, it’s unlikely we would have ever heard of George Floyd or witnessed the prosecution of his killer, a Minneapolis police officer. The recording of Floyd’s killing echoed the documentation in the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, two Black men who were killed at the hands of police. The circulation of such videos – witness cellphones, dashcams and police body-worn cameras – have helped awaken a protest movement centered on police accountability and systemic racism in the United States. They have also diminished trust in law enforcement, which has dipped to its lowest level since 1993, according to a 2020 Gallup...
COVID-19 New Treatments May Stave Off The Worst Effects Of The Virus

COVID-19 New Treatments May Stave Off The Worst Effects Of The Virus

Patrick Jackson, University of Virginia Even with three highly effective vaccines available in abundance throughout the country, the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 continues to cause a large number of new infections, particularly in states where vaccination rates remain low. What’s more, as schools and businesses reopen and the holiday season approaches, another rise in infections may be on the way. There is, however, some good news. Numerous medications, including fledgling and repurposed drugs, are accessible. For hospitalized COVID-19 patients, these new treatments, along with supportive care advances – such as placing some patients on their stomachs in a “prone position” – were helping bring down mortality rates before the Delta variant hit and are continuing to improve patient outcomes...
But A Lunar Cycle Is Masking Effects Of Sea Level Rise – Expect Flooding, This Supermoon Has A Twist

But A Lunar Cycle Is Masking Effects Of Sea Level Rise – Expect Flooding, This Supermoon Has A Twist

A “super full moon” is coming on April 27, 2021, and coastal cities like Miami know that means one thing: a heightened risk of tidal flooding. Exceptionally high tides are common when the moon is closest to the Earth, known as perigee, and when it’s either full or new. In the case of what’s informally known as a super full moon, it’s both full and at perigee. But something else is going on with the way the moon orbits the Earth that people should be aware of. It’s called the lunar nodal cycle, and it’s presently hiding a looming risk that can’t be ignored. Right now, we’re in the phase of an 18.6-year lunar cycle that lessens the moon’s influence on the oceans. The result can make it seem like the coastal flooding risk has leveled off, and that can make sea level rise less obvious. This...
The Big Effects That Fences Have On Land And Wildlife Around The World Are Rarely Measured

The Big Effects That Fences Have On Land And Wildlife Around The World Are Rarely Measured

What is the most common form of human infrastructure in the world? It may well be the fence. Recent estimates suggest that the total length of all fencing around the globe is 10 times greater than the total length of roads. If our planet’s fences were stretched end to end, they would likely bridge the distance from Earth to the Sun multiple times. Australia’s dingo fences, built to protect livestock from wild dogs, stretch for thousands of kilometers. Marian Deschain/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA On every continent, from cities to rural areas and from ancient to modern times, humans have built fences. But we know almost nothing about their ecological effects. Border fences are often in the news, but other fences are so ubiquitous that they disappear into the landscape, becoming scenery rather than ...
When police stop Black men, the effects reach into their homes and families

When police stop Black men, the effects reach into their homes and families

While much of the world was sheltering in place in the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans’ undivided attention was focused squarely on Minneapolis, Minnesota, where George Floyd was killed at the hands – and knees – of the police. Floyd’s murder evoked memories of other murders by the police, including those of Walter Scott, Eric Garner, Philando Castile and Samuel DuBose. Most recently, another unarmed Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot seven times in the back in Kenosha, Wisconsin. We are a sociologist and a social worker who study racism, inequality and families, including a focus on Black men and their interactions with law enforcement. Each of these killings serves as confirmation that concerns about those interactions are warranted. The problem isn’t just that Black ...
A rush is on to mine the deep seabed, with effects on ocean life that aren’t well understood

A rush is on to mine the deep seabed, with effects on ocean life that aren’t well understood

Mining the ocean floor for submerged minerals is a little-known, experimental industry. But soon it will take place on the deep seabed, which belongs to everyone, according to international law. Seabed mining for valuable materials like copper, zinc and lithium already takes place within countries’ marine territories. As soon as 2025, larger projects could start in international waters – areas more than 200 nautical miles from shore, beyond national jurisdictions. We study ocean policy, marine resource management, international ocean governance and environmental regimes, and are researching political processes that govern deep seabed mining. Our main interests are the environmental impacts of seabed mining, ways of sharing marine resources equitably and the use of tools like marine prote...
Eating bugs: Nutrition is proven but not their effects

Eating bugs: Nutrition is proven but not their effects

Nytimes.com last September shared that the American market for edible insects exceeded $55 million in 2017 and is expected to keep climbing as more companies create nutritionally appealing products. Bugs: We squish them, spray them and shoo them. But eat them? A large percentage of the world’s population — an estimated 2 billion people, in fact — already eat insects because of nutritional content and accessibility, according to anthropology resource sapiens.org: “In Thailand, street vendors push carts stocked with trays of deep-fried grasshoppers, water bugs and other seasoned insects. In Mexico, chefs mix cream-colored ant eggs into omelets and whip up guacamole with crunchy grasshoppers. In Zambia, the Congo and other parts of Africa, locals snack on insects harvested from the wild.” How...
Black Men and the Effects of Marijuana

Black Men and the Effects of Marijuana

By Lemar Turner   From the hip hop culture to the white collar businessmen and classy entrepreneurs of today, marijuana is used and loved by a good percentage of African American men. Glorified in the music we listen to and the urban films that we watch, it is a common habit and hobby of many black men across the country. What most black men don't realize is the actual personal and health problems this can cause for their current daily life and their future. Sadly, many young black men lack father figures and positive male role models so without the proper guidance they become curious about what's glorified on t.v. and urban music, "marijuana." Healthy living is very rarely taught in our black families, so it easily becomes ignored by young black men. Three of the biggest effects...