Tag: contact

Do Relationships Allow Someone To Come Into Contact With Their Unconscious Mind?

Do Relationships Allow Someone To Come Into Contact With Their Unconscious Mind?

Human beings have both a conscious and an unconscious mind; however, the latter is largely overlooked. Not only does mainstream society ignore this mind but a lot of people in the helping professions, those who are doing what they can to help peoples "mental health", also do the same thing. Although this is not much of a surprise when it comes to society, considering how extroverted it generally is and self-awareness is not encouraged, it could be seen as being a surprise when so many experts are the same. At the same time, a society that very much lives on the surface is naturally going to produce both therapies that lack depth and people that are happy to practice them. Two Parts When it comes to someone's unconscious mind, this part of them will contain their "negative" feelings and ...
Using The Science Of Memory, New DIY Contact Tracing App Expands The Fight Against COVID-19

Using The Science Of Memory, New DIY Contact Tracing App Expands The Fight Against COVID-19

Imagine you begin to feel ill on Thursday, a few days after returning from a trip. You’re afraid it’s COVID-19, so you get tested on Friday. Even under good circumstances, it will probably be at least Monday before a contact tracer calls from the health department. And then some phone tag may ensue before you speak with anyone – if you get a call at all. Once a contact tracer does reach you, you will be asked to remember all the people you were in close contact with, starting two days before you began feeling symptoms. That means recalling all the places you went and the people you saw over the past week. It isn’t easy. As time passes, memories fade. Unfortunately, your contacts, unaware they were exposed to the coronavirus, may have already infected others. Concerned about those delays...
Digital contact tracing’s mixed record abroad spells trouble for US efforts to rein in COVID-19

Digital contact tracing’s mixed record abroad spells trouble for US efforts to rein in COVID-19

Two public health measures – testing, to identify those infected, and contact tracing, to identify those who may have encountered an infected person – have become essential as countries around the world reopen their economies and fresh surges of COVID-19 infections appear. Even as testing ramps up, contact tracing with a wide enough net remains a daunting task. Contact tracing involves public health staff conducting interviews with infected people. Public health experts are calling for 180,000 more contact tracers, but progress on contact tracing has not been going well, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Enter digital innovations that offer a tantalizing promise: to automate the laborious task of alerting people who hav...