Tag: cancer

It’s A Developed World We’ve Created – But Is It Giving Us Cancer?

It’s A Developed World We’ve Created – But Is It Giving Us Cancer?

I had assumed that the small lump in my breast was a blocked milk duct from nursing my seven-month-old son. The news that I had stage 2 breast cancer stunned. “But it’s not in my family,” I told the radiologist. “And I have a healthy lifestyle! Why did I get breast cancer?” In one way or another, friends and relatives here in the U.S. asked the same question. Why had this happened to me? Their explanations coalesced around a single point: bad genes. But when I told my friends and host family in Haiti, where I’ve been studying social and political life for the past decade, their reactions were different. They asked: Who had done this to me? Was a colleague angry? Was a family member getting revenge? Or was someone simply jealous, especially after the good year I’d had landing a new job, ...
Frequent Use Of Lye-Based Hair Relaxers Linked To A Higher Risk Of Breast Cancer – 25-Year-Long Study Suggest

Frequent Use Of Lye-Based Hair Relaxers Linked To A Higher Risk Of Breast Cancer – 25-Year-Long Study Suggest

Kimberly Bertrand, Boston University The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work. The big idea Frequent and long-term use of lye-based hair straightening products, or relaxers, may increase the risk of breast cancer among Black women, compared with more moderate use. Boston University’s Black Women’s Health Study followed 59,000 self-identified African American women for over 25 years, sending questionnaires every two years on new diagnoses and factors that might influence their health. Using these data in our own study, my team of epidemiologists and I found that Black women who used hair products containing lye at least seven times a year for 15 or more years had an approximately 30% increased risk of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer compared with more i...
Devon Stills Says Daughter, Leah, is Free of Cancer

Devon Stills Says Daughter, Leah, is Free of Cancer

Houston Texans player Devon Still says his 5-year-old daughter Leah is cancer free - and he couldn't be more thankful. The daddy-daughter duo appeared on Good Morning America on Friday, just days after the NFL player tweeted that Leah had "really beat cancer! With her health improving, Leah Still has big plans: 'I'd like to be a cheerleader at Penn State!' Source: Devon Stills Says Daughter, Leah, is Free of Cancer : People.com