Tag: basic

Universal Basic Income And MLK

Universal Basic Income And MLK

I find it fascinating (in a social experiment sort of way) the fanatical, er, passionate reactions I received from my FB "friends" when I posted President-elect Joe Biden's "politricks" about the stimulus checks. I deliberately posted the comment on January 15th (MLK's Birthday). Why? MLK was a fierce advocate for Universal Basic Income (UBI) during his lifetime. In other words, we should be getting at least 2K per month during the pandemic instead of a proposed 2K for a single year. Intriguingly, other OECD countries are giving their citizens as high as 7K per month in UBI. As of December, Australian citizens have gotten 24K since their pandemic in accumulated UBI. If you think in cents, you get cents! If you think in dollars, you get dollars! Let us not settle for the one-cent wine, fi...
Basic Cybersecurity Precautions Are Key To Minimizing Ransomware Damage, Interference With Elections And Disinformation

Basic Cybersecurity Precautions Are Key To Minimizing Ransomware Damage, Interference With Elections And Disinformation

Government computer systems in Hall County, Georgia, including a voter signature database, were hit by a ransomware attack earlier this fall in the first known ransomware attack on election infrastructure during the 2020 presidential election. Thankfully, county officials reported that the voting process for its citizens was not disrupted. The attack follows on the heels of a ransomware attack last month on eResearchTechnology, a company that provides software used in clinical trials, including trials for COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines. Less than a week after the attack in Georgia was revealed, the FBI warned that cyber criminals have unleashed a wave of ransomware attacks targeting hospital information systems. Attacks like these underscore the challenges that cybersecurity exp...
Why Universal Basic Income Is Not the Solution We Think It Is

Why Universal Basic Income Is Not the Solution We Think It Is

The racial wealth gap is real. But a guaranteed income is not going to fix it. Yes, I feel the current distribution of wealth is grotesquely unfair. Yes, I believe that those who cannot or will not work should not be allowed to starve. Yes, I would be against plans to eliminate or cut the existing welfare system as long as it is needed. Yes, I believe that we should build a community in which everyone’s needs are met. Yet I oppose a universal guaranteed basic income. My objections have surprised many people, but they are consistent with what I think is the solution to our economic justice problem. I favor deep democracy replacing the rule of capital in our lives. This would require reparations and the reconstruction of the commons to include the Earth and the financial r...

The First Guaranteed Basic Income Program Designed for Single Black Moms

The Magnolia Mother’s Trust asks participants what they need to not only pay the bills but also to fight generational poverty. Ebony, a single mother of three, works two jobs to make ends meet and takes in around $11,000 a year. In addition to a part-time job at a beauty supply chain, she works as a communication specialist at a Jackson, Mississippi, nonprofit, a temporary position that could end in December. She’s hoping her employers will keep her on, and she’s doing all she can to inspire them, including showing up for work an hour early. “I want to make a good impression,” she says about showing up to work early. “It would be great if [the employers] tell me, ‘You worked so hard, how about you go ahead and stay with us?’” Staying on could mean that Ebony’s annual income...