Tag: anyway

What Is Career Coaching About Anyway?

What Is Career Coaching About Anyway?

There are still many people who don't really have a clear understanding of what career coaching is or how to go about choosing a career coach. Let's just say it's not uncommon for me to get emails, social media messages, or phone calls asking me about one or the other. So... What is career coaching exactly? It's championing and helping you reach your ultimate career goals and your career coach being with you on that journey. In a coach/client relationship, you hold the agenda and they provide you with the help, support, and direction you need to achieve the goal(s) you have in mind--reaching them sooner than later when attempting to do it all on your own. Many facets come into play and depending on what your objectives are will determine the focus of your coaching sessions. An ongoing ...
Unlikely To Work Anyway But Why Wall Street Investors’ Trading California Water Futures Is Nothing To Fear

Unlikely To Work Anyway But Why Wall Street Investors’ Trading California Water Futures Is Nothing To Fear

Water is one of the world’s most vital resources. So is there reason to freak out now that profit-hungry hedge funds and other investors can trade it like a barrel of oil or shares of Apple? That’s exactly what CME Group recently did in California when it launched the world’s first futures market for water in December 2020. Put simply, a futures market lets people place bets on the future price of water. Some people worry Wall Street’s involvement in trading water will disenfranchise the water rights of rural communities and lead to more scarcity of an already dwindling resource, thus driving up the price everyone pays. As researchers who study commodity markets and the economics of water resources, we believe there are many benefits of a well-functioning water futures market, especial...
What In The World Is An African American Anyway?

What In The World Is An African American Anyway?

By Kevin D. Moore This question was recently asked of me numerous times by White Americans, White Europeans, Black Americans, and others. The funny thing is that I have wondered this too. However, the interesting part about this question is the fact that people are asking it in the first place. When I think about it, something must not be right. I don't recall ever hearing anyone ask what is an Italian American or German American. So why would anyone ask what is an African American? I think the first aspect of my wonderment is that I can't seem to figure out how or when I (a year long tan American) stopped being identified as a Black American and started being identified as an African American. I'm sure someone has the answer. Unfortunately, it is a little fuzzy to me and it seems to...