State Laws Are Beginning To Recognize That Domestic Violence Isn’t About Just Physical Violence

State Laws Are Beginning To Recognize That Domestic Violence Isn’t About Just Physical Violence

Three or more U.S. women are murdered every day by their current or former intimate partner. That may in part be due to a failure of state laws to capture the full range of behavior that constitutes domestic abuse. The law continues to treat intimate partner violence like a bar fight – considering only what happened in a given incident and not all the prior abuse history, such as intimidation and entrapment. Research shows, however, that domestic abuse is not about arguments, short tempers and violent tendencies. It’s about domination and control. Men who kill their female partners usually dominate them first – sometimes without physical violence. Indeed, for 28% to 33% of victims, the homicide or attempted homicide was the first act of physical violence in the relationship. Most state...
Mother Wounds: Can A Man Emotionally Shut Down Around Women If He Had An Abusive Mother?

Mother Wounds: Can A Man Emotionally Shut Down Around Women If He Had An Abusive Mother?

Although a man may be in tune with his feelings when he is by himself and even around a man, this may seldom be the case when he is around a woman. What will be normal, then, is for him to be out of touch with his body when he is in their presence. This could be something that he is acutely aware of; then again, this might not be something that he is aware of. If it isn't, it is still going to be something that has an effect on his life. Part of Life It can seem strange as to how he wouldn't be aware of what is going on but, if this is how he has been for a very long time, why would he? Also, if he spends a lot of time being out of touch with how he feels, his experience is not going to be very different when he is around a woman. His point of awareness can generally be up top, so to s...
Friends, Best Friends, Wedding And Stranger

Friends, Best Friends, Wedding And Stranger

The story is about 2 friends we met on the cell phone and start chatting. We both don't know that we attached too much and this will make us hard to live without each other. Me and my best Friends. She was a girl. Roon and I are the same age and we fought so much in the starting days. We never miss a chance to tease each other. Finally, we become good friends and spend a lot of time together. She lives near to my house. We meet, eat and spend our lives joyful. We are very close to each other. We both love someone she loves her cousin and I love someone other. We both share their a lot of time and also share each and everything happened about the day. Finally, her cousin came and she engaged. She introduces me to her cousin as a best friend. One day she argued with him about something and...
Do You Think That’s Funny?

Do You Think That’s Funny?

We all enjoy a good laugh on occasion, and indeed humour can be a very effective way of easing areas of tension or breaking the ice in a new relationship. But one thing to remember when using humour is that we each have our own distinctive preferences in the things that we find funny and different tastes regarding what we enjoy. Some may like slapstick, sketches, joke telling, others may prefer a more subtle, observational style. Laughter has been found to improve our overall health, boost our immune system and reduce both our stress levels and blood pressure. It releases endorphins, the feel good, happy chemicals in the brain which are released whenever we exercise, laugh and feel upbeat. Laughing for 10-15 minutes has even been found to burn off up to 40 calories! So, if you're struggli...