
The Legend Of The Flying African Caused By A Mass Suicide Of Slaves
Journalism, VIDEO REELS

The Legend Of The Flying African Caused By A Mass Suicide Of Slaves

In May 1803 a group of enslaved Africans from present-day Nigeria, of Ebo or Igbo descent, leaped from a single-masted ship into Dunbar Creek off St. Simons Island in Georgia. A slave agent concluded that the Africans drowned and died in an apparent mass suicide. But oral traditions would go on to claim that the Eboes either flew or walked over water back to Africa. For generations, island residents, known as the Gullah-Geechee people, passed down the tale. When folklorists arrived in the 1930s, Igbo Landing and the story of the flying African assumed a mythological place in African American culture. Though the site carries no bronze plaque and remains unmarked on tourist maps, it has become a symbol of the traumatizing legacy of trans-Atlantic slavery. Poets, artists, filmmakers, jazz m...
Universal Basic Income And MLK

Universal Basic Income And MLK

I find it fascinating (in a social experiment sort of way) the fanatical, er, passionate reactions I received from my FB "friends" when I posted President-elect Joe Biden's "politricks" about the stimulus checks. I deliberately posted the comment on January 15th (MLK's Birthday). Why? MLK was a fierce advocate for Universal Basic Income (UBI) during his lifetime. In other words, we should be getting at least 2K per month during the pandemic instead of a proposed 2K for a single year. Intriguingly, other OECD countries are giving their citizens as high as 7K per month in UBI. As of December, Australian citizens have gotten 24K since their pandemic in accumulated UBI. If you think in cents, you get cents! If you think in dollars, you get dollars! Let us not settle for the one-cent wine, fi...
Shut Out From The Whitewashed World Of Children’s Literature – Black Kids Took Matters Into Their Own Hands

Shut Out From The Whitewashed World Of Children’s Literature – Black Kids Took Matters Into Their Own Hands

Hanging on the wall in my office is the framed cover of the inaugural issue of The Brownies’ Book, a monthly periodical for Black youths created by W.E.B. Du Bois and other members of the NAACP in 1920. A newspaper boy hawks copies of the Chicago Defender. Library of Congress The magazine – the first of its kind – includes poems and stories that speak of Black achievement and history, while also showcasing children’s writing. Although much of American children’s literature published near the turn of the last century – and even today – filters childhood through the eyes of white children, The Brownies’ Book gave African American children a platform to explore their lives, interests and aspirations. And it reinforced what 20th-century American literature scholar Katharine Capshaw has descr...
Less than one-fifth of reported rapes and sexual assaults lead to arrests

Less than one-fifth of reported rapes and sexual assaults lead to arrests

As experts in criminology and the justice system, we were surprised to learn that a jury voted to convict Harvey Weinstein on two counts of rape and sexual assault. This surprise was based on our more than a decade of research on the attrition of sexual assault cases from the criminal justice system. CC BY-ND We know that most victims of sexual assault never report their attack to the police. For those that do report, the probability of arrest and prosecution of their assailant is small. In fact, the overwhelming majority of cases reported to the police do not end in conviction, as evidenced by our recent research on sexual assaults reported to the police in six jurisdictions across the United States. We found that many cases drop out at the investigation stage, with only 18.8% of rape...
The NRA Declares Bankruptcy

The NRA Declares Bankruptcy

Although the National Rifle Association is headquartered in Northern Virginia, it is incorporated in New York. The gun group recently announced a new “strategic plan” to restructure under bankruptcy and reincorporate in Texas. The Conversation U.S. asked accounting scholars Brian Mittendorf and Sarah Webber to answer five key questions related to the NRA’s intentions. 1. What precipitated this announcement? New York Attorney General Letitia James sued the NRA in 2020 over alleged financial irregularities, such as improperly making millions of dollars in payments to benefit longtime leader Wayne LaPierre and other executives. Among the lawsuit’s allegations is a claim that the NRA tried to disguise trips to the Bahamas and other forms of lavish compensation as business expenses. James seeks...
In The Hands Of Law Enforcement ‘Early Warning’ Systems In Schools Can Be Dangerous
EDUCATION, Journalism

In The Hands Of Law Enforcement ‘Early Warning’ Systems In Schools Can Be Dangerous

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many students are getting lower grades and inconsistently attending classes. For students in one Florida county, low grades and absenteeism may put them at risk of being labeled by law enforcement as potential criminals. The Tampa Bay Times reported in late 2020 that the Pasco Sheriff’s Office uses student data to identify young people who, in its words, are “destined to a life of crime.” Pasco is a county of around 500,000 people just north of Tampa on Florida’s Gulf Coast. The Pasco Sheriff’s Office uses grades, disciplinary histories, progress toward graduation and attendance records alongside justice system data to flag students as being at risk of committing crimes. All it takes to be labeled as “at risk” is getting a single D on a report card or a disc...
Longer-Term Threat To Biden Presidency Armed Groups From Capitol Riot

Longer-Term Threat To Biden Presidency Armed Groups From Capitol Riot

Details continue to emerge about the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol incursion. Exactly what happened – including the degree of planning involved and rioters’ possible connections with Capitol police or even members of Congress – may not be known for some time. But there are looming threats of more possible violence, not just in Washington, D.C., but in all 50 state capitals. As a scholar of American militants, I see the groups behind the Jan. 6 events looking beyond Inauguration Day toward broader opposition to the Biden administration. Different groups, different goals Among the insurrectionists were members of various groups with a wide range of generally right-wing views, including neo-Nazis, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters and militia members. There were also supporters of Donald Trum...
Study Reveals On National Average Neighborhoods With MLK Streets Are Poorer And Highly Segregated

Study Reveals On National Average Neighborhoods With MLK Streets Are Poorer And Highly Segregated

The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work. The big idea Poverty rates are almost double the national average in areas surrounding streets named after Martin Luther King Jr., according to our recent study, and educational attainment is much lower. The United States has 955 streets named after Martin Luther King Jr.. Katherine Welles/Shutterstock, CC BY-SA Our geography research, published in the GeoJournal in September 2020, analyzed the racial makeup and economic well-being of 22,286 census blocks in the U.S. with roadways bearing the slain civil rights leader’s name. Streets named after Martin Luther King typically run through multiple census blocks; we identified a total of 955 such streets in the United States. The areas surrounding MLK streets are predominantl...
During The US Capitol Riot, A Scholar Of American Anti-Semitism Explains The Hate Symbols Present

During The US Capitol Riot, A Scholar Of American Anti-Semitism Explains The Hate Symbols Present

One of the many horrifying images from the Jan. 6 rampage on the U.S. Capitol shows a long-haired, long-bearded man wearing a black “Camp Auschwitz” T-shirt emblazoned with a skull and crossbones, and under it the phrase “work brings freedom” – an English translation of the Auschwitz concentration camp motto: “Arbeit macht frei.” Another image, more subtle but no less incendiary, is of a different man whose T-shirt was emblazoned with the inscription “6MWE” above yellow symbols of Italian Fascism. “6MWE” is an acronym common among the far right standing for “6 Million Wasn’t Enough.” It refers to the Jews exterminated during the Nazi Holocaust and hints at the desire of the wearer to increase that number still further. These and related images, captured on television and retweeted on soc...
I Spent Years Actually Talking To Them – The Reality Of Black Men’s Love Lives And Marriages Is Very Different Than What’s Usually Shown On TV

I Spent Years Actually Talking To Them – The Reality Of Black Men’s Love Lives And Marriages Is Very Different Than What’s Usually Shown On TV

Finding and keeping a good Black man in a relationship has become a cottage industry. From celebrities and reality TV stars to social media influencers, for better or worse, there is no shortage of relationship advice to people seeking to figure out Black men. And while much of this content is understood to be for entertainment purposes only, some of it is presented and received as legitimate and data-driven. This is a problem because too many people cannot distinguish what they see onscreen from reality. Media portrayals are often hyperbolic and sensationalized to attract public attention. Equally troubling is that the majority of academic research in this area also perpetuates many of the same, negative patterns that are common in popular culture. As a graduate student and university ...