
The Housewife’s Favorite Game

The Housewife’s Favorite Game

Playing blackjack online is becoming the favorite pastime of housewives everywhere. Why is blackjack becoming so extremely popular? Well, gambling online allows housewives to play their favorite game right from the comfort of their own homes without the need to travel or endure the chaotic scene that brick and mortar casinos possess. Plus, there is no need to get all dressed up to engage in online gambling and there are no worries that a man might hassle you when all you want to do is enjoy the game. If you are more interested in gambling than you are in the dating scene, then gambling online might be just the kind of pastime for you. It's also fantastic fun! Cara Thurston, a housewife fond of online gaming entertainment, explains why she loves online gambling : "When I gamble online I ha...
The Art Of Culture
CULTURE, Journalism

The Art Of Culture

Now, what is culture? Culture is the summum bonum of ideas, language, customs, beliefs, values and technology inherited from the society. In this article I would like to enumerate on certain facets of culture and explicate them with the synthesis of new ideas. I would like to look at culture from (a) Paedogenesis (b) Sedimentation, (c) Exfoliation, (d) Afforestation. What is it from the viewpoint of Paedogenesis? By Paedogenesis, it is a transfiguration by which institutions appropriate values and belief systems into the every-dayness of life. Some elements of Paedogenesis can be explained with examples. For example: democracy becomes an integral part of the world's value systems and it incorporates a value ethic of choosing a govt. that is of the people, by the people and for the peopl...
Flight Attendants’ Jobs Have Never Been More Dangerous – Violence On Planes Is At An All-Time High
Journalism, WORK

Flight Attendants’ Jobs Have Never Been More Dangerous – Violence On Planes Is At An All-Time High

The fight broke out over bags. After the plane touched down in Miami, one passenger was not getting his luggage down from the overhead bin fast enough, at least not in the eyes of the man behind him. That man, who is White, started shouting racial slurs at the other passenger, a Black man. In the front of the plane, flight attendant Cher Taylor heard the commotion just before the angry man punched the one pulling down his bags until he fell on his back into a row of seats. Taylor started running. “I’ll beat you good, I’ll kill you,” the man was shouting, punctuating the end of each sentence with a racial slur. Taylor, a Black woman, tried to step between them, unsure of how to intervene. When the White man finally stepped back, leaving the other man on the ground, he and his family walk...
Gossip Is A Social Skill – Not A Character Flaw

Gossip Is A Social Skill – Not A Character Flaw

According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, some communities in the Philippines consider gossiping so odious that they’ve outright banned it. But aside from the difficulty of enforcing this sort of ordinance, should gossip really get such a bad rap? Yes, in its rawest form, gossip is a strategy used by individuals to further their own reputations and interests at the expense of others. Studies that I have conducted confirm that gossip can be used in cruel ways for selfish purposes. At the same time, how many can walk away from a juicy story about one of their acquaintances and keep it to themselves? Surely, each of us has had firsthand experience with the difficulty of keeping spectacular news about someone else a secret. When disparaging gossip, we overlook the fact that it’s a...
Tactics Of Tinder Swindlers: First The ‘Love-Bomb’, Then The ‘Financial Emergency’

Tactics Of Tinder Swindlers: First The ‘Love-Bomb’, Then The ‘Financial Emergency’

In the chart-topping Netflix documentary The Tinder Swindler, three women describe how they were defrauded by convicted conman Simon Leviev (who was born Shimon Hayut) after meeting him on the dating app. The film gives a detailed and deeply personal account of how Leviev used Tinder to connect with his victims and ultimately swindle them out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. I have been researching romance fraud for more than a decade. I have heard the painful and traumatic stories of hundreds of victims. While each story is unique, there are common factors, and some wider lessons to learn. The Tinder Swindler is a powerful example of what can go wrong, but what does it teach us about romance fraud, and how can you avoid becoming the next victim? What is romance fraud? Romance fraud...
They Built It And People Came
CULTURE, Journalism

They Built It And People Came

"We're trying to turn a negative into a positive," explained the happy young woman who took my drink order. I asked her if someone loved rabbits or was the cafe's name a Bible reference. Apparently, one coffee shop in Deep East Texas is willing to poke fun with residents of the Bible Belt. Thumpers Coffee and Gift Shop recently opened in the town of Nacogdoches, Texas. The spiritual hub has a few customers in the morning but it's at night that it fully comes to life. As soon as classes end at the nearby campus of SFA-Stephen F. Austin University-students converge on the storefront shop to drink coffee and study. Biblical sayings are painted on canvases throughout the property and a huge, ornate mural is displayed on the ceiling. The cork/message board displays bible studies, resources an...
Gen Z Is All About The Gig Economy
Journalism, WORK

Gen Z Is All About The Gig Economy

Millennials (Gen Y) have already established a secure spot and are leading the show, they will now need to equip themselves to head the novice. With this shift in the generation, HR will need to begin its groundwork to embrace the new wave of staffing from the true digital natives (Gen Z). Gen Z is always in constant touch with the digital world and it is quite impossible to isolate them. This new alliance with fresh talent doesn't come all that easy. Recruiters have to look at the on-boarding of this Generation as a possible organizational disruption and restructure business operations and administration to best engage the post-millennials. The contemporary job market sees recruitment teams and managers hiring more contingent workers. The traits Gen Z carries manifests the fact that the...
The Inspiration To Roar – Michelle Obama

The Inspiration To Roar – Michelle Obama

Black women have always been an indispensable and fundamental bridge connecting, the elements and conditions of every day living to purpose, strength and determination. Working women were confirmed by the Feminist Movement that is it okay to be every woman successfully juggling multiple roles of wife, mother, caregiver and career while negotiating the obstacles of race, class and gender. In the past decade, there have been phenomenal achievements by Black women as Entrepreneurs Scientists, roles in technology, in the board room as executives, in many areas as athletes, world famous entertainers, television talk show hosts, moguls and actors in spite of socioeconomic indicators showing that Black women are still straggling to catch up to their White counterparts. A woman's role today can ...
‘Bromosexual’ Friendships – An Emerging Science
Journalism, LGBTQ

‘Bromosexual’ Friendships – An Emerging Science

For a long time, friendships between gay men and straight men – what some now call “bromosexual” friendships – were uncommon. Homophobia was likely one reason; another was that straight men probably assumed they didn’t have much in common with gay men. But lately, “bromosexual” friendships have started to receive more attention, acceptance and interest. They’re being explored and depicted in movies, books and blogs. In October, The New York Times even devoted an article in their Style section to “The Rise of the ‘Bromosexual’ Friendship.” This sort of normalization is good news. But social scientists still haven’t studied the dynamics of these friendships: why they develop and how they’re maintained. We’re part of a team of community, evolutionary and social psychologists that has recen...
An Economist Answers 3 Questions – Who Benefits From A Break On Federal Student Loan Payments?
EDUCATION, Journalism

An Economist Answers 3 Questions – Who Benefits From A Break On Federal Student Loan Payments?

Although President Joe Biden has extended the pause on federal student loan payments from February 1 to May 1 – a move that includes a suspension of interest on the loans – some advocates want the president to cancel student loan debt altogether. Here, economist William Chittenden illuminates who benefits and who pays when borrowers get a break on paying back their federal student loans. 1. How helpful is this pause to individual borrowers? It depends. 18.1 million borrowers – out of 43.4 million borrowers – were making federal student loan payments prior to the current loan pause. Now, these borrowers will continue to get a break on making payments until May 1, 2022. With an average monthly payment of US$393, the collective direct benefits to these 18.1 million borrowers have been over $...