Can’t sleep? Here’s what to do

There are ways to minimize agitated nights of tossing and turning.

For many individuals, anxious nights are commonplace. Often, life’s pressures mount mentally when physical bodies are at rest.

There are ways to minimize agitated nights of tossing and turning.’s strategies include:
‒ Write it down. A to-do list, whether necessary for work or personal life, when written down wreaks less havoc on the mind. Plus, anxiety can be heightened by simply trying to remember all that needs to be accomplished. Writing items on a piece of paper or making a list on a smartphone alleviates some mental pressure.
‒ Focus on something positive or inspirational that can be taken care of the next day or in the future; write that down as well.
‒ Pray, meditate, count blessings, reminisce.
The National Sleep Foundation asserts these habits to evade fitful nights of sleep:
‒ Stick to a schedule.
‒ Practice bedtime relaxation rituals.
‒ Avoid naps, if uninterrupted sleep is an issue.
Exercise daily.
‒ Avoid bright evening light.
‒ Avoid or minimize evening use of alcohol and cigarettes, as well as consumption of heavy meals.

NSF also informed that environment often has an effect on sleep. To create a soothing ambiance that promotes a continuous night’s rest: “Your bedroom should be cool — between 60 and 67 degrees. Your bedroom should also be free from any noise that can disturb your sleep. Finally, your bedroom should be free from any light. Check your room for noises or other distractions. This includes a bed partner’s sleep disruptions such as snoring. Consider using blackout curtains, eye shades, ear plugs, ‘white noise’ machines, humidifiers, fans and other devices.”

Getting out of bed and going to another area of the home to read, do a short yoga routine or engage in breathing techniques, for example, is also suggested by NSF for individuals who persistently suffer bouts of anxiety-ridden sleeplessness.