Tag: tarot

How Can You Tell If A Tarot Reader Is Psychic?

How Can You Tell If A Tarot Reader Is Psychic?

After I had had a number of readings, I started to think about how it was possible for someone to predict what would happen to me as time went by. I wondered if certain things would only happen because I had ended up believing that they would happen. If this was the case, it was as though a reader was planting seeds in mind; seeds that I would water overtime. Through giving energy to these seeds, they would gradually end up growing into plants and trees. It's Your Choice I ended up having a reading with someone who said that nothing was set in stone and that everything could change when I went back out into the world again. This person was aware of how the mind worked and didn't want me to believe that I didn't have a choice. I thought that what he said sounded accurate, or it would...
True History Of Tarot  – Are You Sure You Want To Know

True History Of Tarot – Are You Sure You Want To Know

Ten Things You Didn't Want to Know About Tarot Do you like Tarot because of its aura of mystery, for its esoteric history, or because of its magical qualities? If you think Tarot is special because of one of those reasons then you are not going like what I have to say in this article. I'm going to be looking at the true history of Tarot, and my research on this has brought me to conclusions which are different to what most of you will have read online, and they are perhaps different to what you want to believe are the facts behind Tarot. I have enjoyed using Tarot cards for over 25 years, and I love Tarot symbology and Tarot divination, but I do not like it when unenlightened people create a fictitious romantic/mystical history for these cards. I've put together the top ten pieces ...
Black Girl Magic: How Tarot Is Helping Women of Color Connect

Black Girl Magic: How Tarot Is Helping Women of Color Connect

The Detroit Blk Gurls Do Tarot Facebook group empowers women in traditional spiritualities. Once taboo, tarot reading is considered spooky, and even wicked by some. But the form of divination that uses cards dates back to the 15th century—and has become the latest spiritual trend. Decks are sold at almost any store, and hundreds of thousands of Instagram and Facebook pages are dedicated to the art of divination. But some practitioners in the United States have been using the cards for decades as a tool in their spiritual practices as they turn away from Western religions for traditional African-centered and Indigenous spiritualities. Thirty-five years since the release of Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’ s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals, by teacher and auth...