Tag: impact

Social Media’s Impact On Divorce

Social Media’s Impact On Divorce

Social media has impacted our society in many good ways. Our lives have been made easier. Pretty much anything we want to know is quickly found at the end of a mouse click. We save time and effort by ordering products and planning travel online. We easily catch up with friends on numerous social media sites. But, there is also a down side.. Media and Relationships Research has found that these sites can have a negative impact on relationships and may even contribute to divorce. A spouse may spend so much time that they neglect family time and hurt relationships. The temptation is there to look up former girlfriends or boyfriends and connecting could trigger past feelings and/or start an affair. One recent study from the journal, Computers in Human Behavior, used information gathered f...

Webinar: Maximize Your LinkedIn Impact With Richard Bliss

There is a lot more to LinkedIn then you may realize This week I sit down with Richard Bliss, LinkedIn Trainer and LinkedIn Voice. We spoke at length about making LinkedIn work for us in business and how to generate interest and RESPONSE from the LinkedIn Community. We will discuss: The Formula for getting the best traction with your post The best times to make a post The mistakes people are making on LinkedIn and YOU can do to avoid them Register and attend this one if you want learn to make LinkedIn really pay off! Speaker Richard Bliss Date & Time Thursday, June 16th, 2022 12:00PM - 1:00PM Central Location: Online Register Now Event Speaker Richard Bliss As a LinkedIn Top Voices and experienced executive communications manager and Social Me...
A Lasting Impact On Schools And Equity – Fewer Kids Are Enrolled In Public Kindergarten

A Lasting Impact On Schools And Equity – Fewer Kids Are Enrolled In Public Kindergarten

Public school enrollment is down across the country. For example, enrollment is down by 15,000 in Chicago public schools and by more than 20,000 in the District of Columbia’s public schools. The trend is particularly acute among pre-K and kindergarten students. In an NPR survey of 60 U.S. districts in 20 states, public kindergarten enrollment was down 16% on average. CC BY-ND Delaying children’s kindergarten entry is not new, but the pandemic has broadened its scope. And that has the potential to exacerbate already wide educational inequities. As a child and family policy researcher and a parent of two children under 7, I believe the new trend is concerning. Why enrollment dropped In a typical year, about 5% of kindergarten-age children are “redshirted” – their entry to school delayed. Th...
US unemployment data fail to capture COVID-19’s full impact – here’s how to fix it fast

US unemployment data fail to capture COVID-19’s full impact – here’s how to fix it fast

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed dangerous weaknesses in America’s aging public data system. In one of the greatest jobs crises in the past 100 years, the labor force measures of employment and unemployment are too slow, not local and too often unreliable and irrelevant. The consequences are serious. Governments at all levels are trying to make decisions about how to reduce the cost of joblessness – including whether to provide supplemental unemployment benefits. And they are doing this without sufficient evidence. On Friday, Sept. 4, the latest federal labor force report will come out, and it will not portray the extent of job loss in the communities that desperately need government help. The current system is not designed to respond to such massive shocks, but there are ways to fill t...
Langston Hughes – The Life, Times, Works as Well as Impact of a Versatile African-American Writer

Langston Hughes – The Life, Times, Works as Well as Impact of a Versatile African-American Writer

Langston Hughes stands as a literary and cultural translation of the political resistance and campaign of black consciousness leaders such as Martin Luther King to restore the rights of the black citizenry thus fulfilling the ethos of the American dream, which is celebrated universally every year around February to April. Hughes' overriding sense of a social and cultural purpose tied to his sense of the past, the present and the future of black America commends his life and works as having much to learn from to inspire us to move forward and to inform and guide our steps as we move forward to create a great future. Hughes is also significant since he seems to have conveniently spanned the genres: poetry, drama, novel and criticism leaving an indelible stamp on each. At 21 years of age...