Tag: history

Top 20 Quotations To Celebrate Black History Month
Amplification Of Voices, TOP FOUR

Top 20 Quotations To Celebrate Black History Month

"I am America. I am the part you won't recognize. But get used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me." -- Muhammad Ali The Greatest (1975) "Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise." -- Maya Angelou "Still I rise," And Still I Rise (1978) "Racism is not an excuse to not do the best you can." -- Arthur Ashe quoted in Sports Illustrated "Just like you can buy grades of silk, you can buy grades of justice. " -- Ray Charles "The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is now. " -- Bill Cosby "There is no negro problem. The problem is whether the American people have loyalty enough, honor enough, patriotism enough, to live up to the...
A Black History Month Tribute: Paul Robeson – American Singer, Actor And Civil Rights Activist Became A Hero In China
Amplification Of Voices, TOP FOUR, VIDEO REELS

A Black History Month Tribute: Paul Robeson – American Singer, Actor And Civil Rights Activist Became A Hero In China

Chinese broadcasters have aired shows featuring Paul Robeson (1898-1976), one of the most popular African American singers and actors of his era and a well-known civil rights activist, several times in recent years. China National Radio and various channels of the widely influential China Central TV showcased Robeson on programs in 2021, 2012 and 2009 narrating China’s resistence to foreign military aggressions. This could seem like unusually frequent coverage related to an American who passed away decades ago. My book, Arise, Africa! Roar, China! Black and Chinese Citizens of the World in the Twentieth Century, unpacks the little-known yet important relationship between Paul Robeson and China, which continues to resonate powerfully today. New York City meeting Robeson is long re...
A Black History Month Tribute: Lorraine Hansberry, The First Major Black Theatrical Voice To Emerge From America
Amplification Of Voices, TOP FOUR

A Black History Month Tribute: Lorraine Hansberry, The First Major Black Theatrical Voice To Emerge From America

Lorraine Vivian Hansberry born May 19, 1930 in Chicago, Illinois as the youngest of four children of a prominent real estate broker Carl Augustus Hansberry and Nannie Louise Perry grew up on the south side of Chicago in the Woodlawn neighborhood.in a middle-class family.. The roots of her artistic vision and activism are here in Chicago. Born into a family of substantial means and parents who were intellectuals and activists, her father, Carl Augustus Hansberry, Sr. from Gloucester, Mississippi, moved to Chicago after attending Alcorn College, and became known as the "kitchenette king" after subdividing large homes vacated by whites moving to the suburbs and selling these small apartments or kitchenettes to African American migrants from the South. Carl was not only a successful real est...
True History Of Tarot  – Are You Sure You Want To Know

True History Of Tarot – Are You Sure You Want To Know

Ten Things You Didn't Want to Know About Tarot Do you like Tarot because of its aura of mystery, for its esoteric history, or because of its magical qualities? If you think Tarot is special because of one of those reasons then you are not going like what I have to say in this article. I'm going to be looking at the true history of Tarot, and my research on this has brought me to conclusions which are different to what most of you will have read online, and they are perhaps different to what you want to believe are the facts behind Tarot. I have enjoyed using Tarot cards for over 25 years, and I love Tarot symbology and Tarot divination, but I do not like it when unenlightened people create a fictitious romantic/mystical history for these cards. I've put together the top ten pieces of...
Creating A Magical Valentine’s Day: A Look At The History Of The Holiday

Creating A Magical Valentine’s Day: A Look At The History Of The Holiday

Valentine's Day is a wonderful holiday full of hearts, chocolate, and flowers. When many people think of Valentine's Day that's what comes to mind. But how often do we think of the real reason behind the holiday. Let's look at the history behind Valentine's Day: who was St. Valentine, what did he do to become a saint, and why is the "holiday of love" named after him. St. Valentine is suspected to be a Roman Catholic priest that lived in the third century AD and was martyred around 270 AD by Claudius II Gothicus, the Roman Emperor at the time. As the story goes, St. Valentine wrote a love letter to the daughter of his jailer, with whom he had established a friendship and grown to love, and signed it "from your Valentine." (1) Sound like a familiar phrase? Today, Valentine's Day is celebrate...
Black History Month – Black History – HISTORY.com

Black History Month – Black History – HISTORY.com

Black History Month, or National African American History Month, is an annual celebration of achievements by black Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of African Americans in U.S. history. The event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month. Other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom, also devote a month to celebrating black history. Find out more about the history of Black History Month, including videos, interesting articles, pictures, historical features and more. Get all the facts on HISTORY.com Source: Black History Month - Black History - HISTORY.com...
A History Of Myths About Black Hair: From Slavery To Colonialism And School Rules

A History Of Myths About Black Hair: From Slavery To Colonialism And School Rules

“Your hair feels like pubic hair.” That was one of the first insults that someone hurled at my hair. She was a junior at my school. She would touch my hair and repeat this sentence to all present. I had to threaten her with violence to get her to stop touching my hair and comparing it to her pubes. This is one of the first dilemmas that black people face: do I let people touch my hair and under what circumstances? The question, “can I touch it?” becomes one of the most awkward social moments and can break relationships before they even start. This fascination with the texture of black hair (please don’t call it “ethnic”), is not new. In slave societies, white women would often hack off the hair of their enslaved female servants because it supposedly “confused white men” . Today, black w...
History Of Italian Fashion

History Of Italian Fashion

Italian Fashion during Renaissance The period after 11th century was development and domination of Italian fashion. The development of art was as its peak. Great Italian artists such as Leonardo da Vinci gave one of their best masterpieces. The Italian fashion was also influenced by the art during that period. Great attention was paid to the extravagant dresses. The rich merchants with large amount of money at their disposal were ready to spend lavishly on the expensive clothing. They showed their power and status by competing by dressing extravagantly. Intricate designs with complex fashions were made. Just like modern fashion, no rich tradesman would wear dresses that were out of fashion. There was increased consumption of highly fashionable cloths with greater stress to the quality of...
A History Of Myths About Black Hair: From Slavery To Colonialism And School Rules

A History Of Myths About Black Hair: From Slavery To Colonialism And School Rules

“Your hair feels like pubic hair.” That was one of the first insults that someone hurled at my hair. She was a junior at my school. She would touch my hair and repeat this sentence to all present. I had to threaten her with violence to get her to stop touching my hair and comparing it to her pubes. This is one of the first dilemmas that black people face: do I let people touch my hair and under what circumstances? The question, “can I touch it?” becomes one of the most awkward social moments and can break relationships before they even start. This fascination with the texture of black hair (please don’t call it “ethnic”), is not new. In slave societies, white women would often hack off the hair of their enslaved female servants because it supposedly “confused white men” . Today, black w...
Planning A Great Trip For The Weekend

Planning A Great Trip For The Weekend

Taking your ute out onto the open road for a weekend getaway is a passion for many people. After working a week at your job, the opportunity to go camping, fishing or just taking your family to a new town to explore is a great way to spend your time. When packing your utility vehicle, it is very convenient to have utility vehicle drawers installed to carry your stuff. With these drawers you can carry camping equipment, tools, clothing and much more. With custom utility vehicle drawers you can have an additional level of flexibility and control over what it is you can carry. If you need specific sized drawers, additional drawers and more you can easily do this with customization. Planning your trip It is always good to plan your trip before you go. Taking a trip on a spontaneous whim can...