Tag: gilbert

The Mechanics Of Crafting One Of The Most Memorable Voices Of All Time – Gilbert Gottfried

The Mechanics Of Crafting One Of The Most Memorable Voices Of All Time – Gilbert Gottfried

Though Gilbert Gottfried’s voice has alternatively been described as “shrill,” “annoying” and “grating,” you can’t say it isn’t memorable. Gottfried, who died on April 12, 2022, didn’t naturally sound this way. Watch him perform as a cast member during on the sixth season of “Saturday Night Live,” and you’ll hear a voice that sounds downright angelic by comparison. Gilbert Gottfried’s brief run as a cast member on ‘Saturday Night Live’ occurred before the development of his signature voice. But as he developed his comic persona, that distinctive sound made its way into his performances in stand-up comedy, advertising, television and film – perhaps most famously as Iago in “Aladdin,” Mr. Peabody in “Problem Child” and as a squawking duck in advertisements for the insurance giant Aflac. Cl...