Tag: funny

Love Sharing Funny Animal Videos? You’re Part Of The Cute Economy

Love Sharing Funny Animal Videos? You’re Part Of The Cute Economy

Was one of the last DMs you received on Instagram a video of ducklings wearing flowers for hats, or floating in a sink full of water? An overly zealous cockapoo dancing on the couch with his human? A husky throwing a temper tantrum because he couldn’t come indoors? If sharing cute animal content is your love language, you’re not alone — you are part of a bigger cultural phenomenon called the cute economy. The cute economy is not only a network of cute content that people participate in making, sharing and circulating but also a multibillion-dollar business due to creators’ ability to monetize their content. What is the cute economy? Media researcher James Meese defines the cute economy as the creation and circulation of user-generated content depicting entities (animals, babies, plants, ...
Hack Attack Is Only Funny When It’s Bill The Cat!

Hack Attack Is Only Funny When It’s Bill The Cat!

We were hacked. Bet the thought of it gives you shivers. It sure did me, and more! As a web designer I use many tools to monitor my site and stats. I signed up for Google Webmaster Tools and was horrified to see a list of keywords that were pornographic AND not on my site. The first question, of course, was where on earth were these coming from. The next step was to go through every page on the server and check for files / folders that appear suspicious. My main site was fine. What was not fine were archived folders (2) outside of my main site. I downloaded one of the pages to view the code and saw that there was a script underneath. On further research (Google search) I discovered that these pages were simply jumping off points, due to the script, to actual pornographic sites. But t...
Do You Think That’s Funny?

Do You Think That’s Funny?

We all enjoy a good laugh on occasion, and indeed humour can be a very effective way of easing areas of tension or breaking the ice in a new relationship. But one thing to remember when using humour is that we each have our own distinctive preferences in the things that we find funny and different tastes regarding what we enjoy. Some may like slapstick, sketches, joke telling, others may prefer a more subtle, observational style. Laughter has been found to improve our overall health, boost our immune system and reduce both our stress levels and blood pressure. It releases endorphins, the feel good, happy chemicals in the brain which are released whenever we exercise, laugh and feel upbeat. Laughing for 10-15 minutes has even been found to burn off up to 40 calories! So, if you're strug...