Tag: cardio

Get Your Cardio In At Home

Get Your Cardio In At Home

Physical activity guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity. Harvard Medical School suggested breaking those 150 minutes into segments: “30 minutes, five days a week — for all adults, even the elderly and disabled.” However, all gyms, and many parks and walking and hiking trails, temporarily closed in late March and early April due to COVID-19′s stay-at-home mandates by U.S. governors. No problem, expressed verywellfit.com in “9 Ways to Get a Great Cardio Workout at Home. ” Many basic exercises exert the right amount of energy to healthfully elevate one’s heart rate: ‒ Jump rope: Variations include jumping on one foot, alternating feet, crossing the feet, jumping with h...