Tag: bounds

Your Dog’s Love For You And Its Nose Knows No Bounds

Your Dog’s Love For You And Its Nose Knows No Bounds

I have discovered one positive amid the pandemic: I love working with two dogs at my feet. As someone who studies dog cognition, I often wonder: What is Charlie learning when he stops to sniff the crisp fall air? What is Cleo thinking when she stares at me while I write? Are my dogs happy? I’m not alone in finding myself suddenly spending more time with my pups and contemplating what’s on their minds. More people in the U.S. are working from home now than are working in the workplace, and many now share home offices with their canine companions. What’s more, many are finding their lives enriched with the addition of a new pet, as people started adopting dogs at massive rates during the pandemic. This uptick in dog time means I have been fielding questions from new and experienced dog ow...