Tag: reader

How Can You Tell If A Tarot Reader Is Psychic?

How Can You Tell If A Tarot Reader Is Psychic?

After I had had a number of readings, I started to think about how it was possible for someone to predict what would happen to me as time went by. I wondered if certain things would only happen because I had ended up believing that they would happen. If this was the case, it was as though a reader was planting seeds in mind; seeds that I would water overtime. Through giving energy to these seeds, they would gradually end up growing into plants and trees. It's Your Choice I ended up having a reading with someone who said that nothing was set in stone and that everything could change when I went back out into the world again. This person was aware of how the mind worked and didn't want me to believe that I didn't have a choice. I thought that what he said sounded accurate, or it would...